Featured Events
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Navigating Parenting Today
In addition to this event, you can enjoy all of the daily activities that Lenox offers. Explore our sample ranch schedule.
The premier Canyon Ranch experience! This Immersion™ includes 9 expert-led talks on the art and science of effective parenting in the modern world and 6 one-on-one services with an integrative team of experts selected to support your physical and emotional well-being. Also, you’ll have access to dedicated activities, unlimited dining, full access to our spa and fitness facilities, and everything else our Lenox resort offers. We believe this is one of the most comprehensive approaches to dramatically improving your both your technique and enjoyment of parenting.
Why attend? Because parenting in the age of too much information and not enough guidance is difficult. Social media and instant communication devices complicate an already difficult job, and parents report high levels of anxiety and distress in their families and themselves. There are, however, strategies to reduce anxiety, promote resilience, create calm during the chaos and remain well in the face of what might seem like unrelenting needs.
Self-care is also vital to caring for others so we’ve made sure to layer in plenty of “me-time” into this week so you can replenish your own well while you’re learning the strategies that will help you create more peaceful family dynamics when you get home.
Please join us at Canyon Ranch Lenox in the historical Berkshires for this 5-night Immersion retreat with parenting expert Diana Clark, JD, MA., Chief of Clinical Operations of O’Connor Professional Group. Diana brings more than two decades of experience working with families on edge and using humor, compassion, and scientific research will support you to become a centered, effective parent without the stress of perfection.
This parenting-focused retreat will help you gain personalized insights plus practical skills to get a running start toward creating new habits for a well family.
In addition to this event, you can enjoy all of the daily activities that Lenox, MA offers. Explore our sample schedule.