How It Works
Touching on every aspect of well-being — from movement to mental health — our extensive selection of expert-led, award-winning services are designed to support you in beginning or deepening a lasting wellness journey.
Work with a knowledgeable Wellness Guide to create a tailored itinerary.
Establishing Healthy Habits
Inner Balance by Heartmath
Life Mapping
Longevity MindsetNew
Meditation, Mindfulness & Mental Health
Mental Health & Wellness Consultation
Mental Health & Wellness Consultation - Duet
Mood & Food
Performance Mindset
Relationship with Food
Stress Management
Tech for Mental Health & WellnessNew
Gain new perspective and new strategies in transformative sessions with mental health and wellness experts at Canyon Ranch Lenox. Through traditional talk therapy, focused counseling, and other methodologies, caring experts guide you toward deeper understanding and equip you with the tools and strategies for positive change.

Meditation, Mindfulness & Mental Health

Meditation and mindfulness practices have been used throughout human history for cultivating well-being, mental clarity and physical health. Current research in neuroscience supports the use of these practices for calming the mind and mitigating stress-related conditions, such as anxiety, poor sleep, and compulsive behaviors. Work with a licensed mental health therapist to learn specific meditation and mindfulness strategies to help you reach your goals and support wellness in mind, body, and spirit.