Choosing the Best Oil

Gone are the days when we looked down on the use of oil in our diets – thank goodness.
It turns out that fat, the nutrient in oil, is crucial for building and maintaining the body’s cells and absorbing important vitamins, among other functions. It also helps us enjoy food by improving flavor and mouth-feel with every bite. (Just imagine a salad without it!)
But before you drizzle and dip with abandon, it’s important to know that all oils contain around the same number of calories – roughly 120 per tablespoon – so it’s wise to enjoy them in moderation. Be mindful of how much you’re using in order to reap the health benefits without adding unnecessary calories.
Purchase expeller-pressed or cold-pressed oils, which are extracted without heat and preserve the most nutritional value. And store all oils in a dark cupboard, or even in the refrigerator, since exposure to light and heat can diminish their nutritional quality and flavor.
Olive Oil
This mainstay of the heart-healthy Mediterranean diet is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), which may help lower total cholesterol and “bad” low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. Stick with extra virgin olive oil (EVOO). It has more flavor and antioxidants than any other olive oil variety.
Best Use: Quality EVOO can be pricey; use it where you can appreciate its flavor – drizzled on veggies or fish, as a dip for bread, or as the base of an uncooked sauce like pesto.
Canola Oil
Made from seeds of the rape plant primarily grown in Canada (the word “canola” is a combination of the words “Canadian” and “oil”), this vegetable oil is a good source of the plant-based omega-3 fat alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). While the body converts only a small amount of ALA to the heart-healthy fats eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), the extra boost can still be a valuable addition to your diet, particularly if you don’t eat fish. We recommend choosing organic canola oil to avoid genetic modification.
Best Use: Canola oil’s heat tolerance and neutral flavor make it very versatile. It’s ideal for cooking, especially high-heat cooking methods like stir-frying and sautéing.
Grapeseed Oil
This oil is extracted from the woody seeds of grapes, often as a byproduct of wine production. Its light, non-greasy flavor and high smoke point (higher than canola) make it a favorite among chefs. Grapeseed oil is high in polyunsaturated fats, which can help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol, however it is not as nutritionally strong a choice as olive or canola oils.
Best Use: Try it, in moderation, in high-heat recipes when you don’t want the taste of oil to take center stage, as in tempura dishes or potato pancakes.
Coconut Oil
Pressed from the meat of the coconut fruit, this solid-at-room-temperature oil can be a great option in breakfast, snack, and dinner recipes. While the oil is high in saturated fat, the form (lauric acid) is different from what’s found in animal foods like meat and cheese and doesn’t seem to have the same negative impact on cholesterol. Look for extra virgin coconut oil, which hasn’t been chemically treated and retains its light coconut flavor.
Best Use: You can use it in place of shortening or butter, or to impart a mild flavor to roasted root vegetables.
Flaxseed Oil
This oil comes from the seeds of the flax plant. Like canola oil, flax is high in the plant-based form of omega-3s, ALA. Choose flaxseed oil that is kept in a dark container in a refrigerated case; it’s extremely sensitive to warm temperatures and must be kept chilled in order to retain its health benefits. Purchase it in small amounts, as it has a short shelf life.
Best Use: Try it in cold applications, like smoothies or salad dressings.
Avocado Oil
Pressed from the flesh of the avocado fruit, this oil has become increasingly popular in recent years. Why? It’s a versatile option with a neutral taste, high smoke point (ideal for high-heat applications), and the potential for a number of health benefits, including reducing LDL cholesterol, inflammation, and blood pressure, as well as improving eye health and helping to protect against heart disease. Like olive oil, avocado oil is rich in oleic acid (a monounsaturated omega-9 fatty acid), and antioxidants, such as vitamin E and lutein. It has also been shown to aid in the absorption of carotenoids and other important nutrients when they’re consumed together. Just know that all avocado oil is not created equally – look for unrefined versions, which are cold-pressed, preserving its natural color and flavor.
Best Use: Avocado oil can take the heat – use it for sautéing, grilling, searing, and baking. The neutral flavor works well in salad dressings, homemade mayo, or as a topping for hummus.