How It Works
Touching on every aspect of well-being — from movement to mental health — our extensive selection of expert-led, award-winning services are designed to support you in beginning or deepening a lasting wellness journey.
Work with a knowledgeable Wellness Guide to create a tailored itinerary.
Healing experts at our Bay Area retreat and spa promote healing through Eastern therapies that help to align mind, body, and spirit.

Muscle Melt for Road Warriors

Inspired by the ancient healing practices of Thailand that have been used for centuries to help battle-weary warriors recover. During this treatment, your therapist will firmly press warm herbal compresses into your muscles to ease tension, and perform gentle stretches to help relax the body.
The total price includes a 20% service charge which is fully distributed to employees. The service charge is not considered a tip or gratuity. Canyon Ranch is a no-tipping resort.