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All-You-Can-Spa | Unlimited Spa Services in Tucson

 Jun 1 - Jul 31 (opens in new window)

How It Works

With integrative services and treatments supporting the full spectrum of wellness, we can guide you to what’s right for your vision of well-being on a path that’s yours alone.

Work with a knowledgeable Wellness Guide to create a tailored itinerary.

Call (844) 772-8435

From resistance training to rehabilitation, sports medicine providers at our Arizona wellness resort create tailored plans to help you increase mobility, target musculoskeletal conditions, manage pain, and improve your overall quality of life.

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Person on treadmill

Medical Gait Analysis

50 min
A person running

Human movement is one of our most basic yet complex skills. Your brain seamlessly orchestrates the functions, interactions, and timing of each joint and muscle in your arms, legs, and feet. This 50-minute session, facilitated by our sports medicine experts, uses the state-of-the-art myoMOTION™ Gait Analysis system of high-speed video, pressure sensors, and time-space analysis, to evaluate your joint health and identify issues that may limit your movement. Starting with walking and working up to your performance pace, we will help you identify ways to improve movement efficiency. Bring your favorite walking or running shoes and orthotics if you use them. Leave with a plan to improve your gait performance, through strengthening exercises, stretches, plus balance and mobility drills.