How It Works
With integrative services and treatments supporting the full spectrum of wellness, we can guide you to what’s right for your vision of well-being on a path that’s yours alone.
Work with a knowledgeable Wellness Guide to create a tailored itinerary.
Balance Assessment
Body Composition Screening
Comprehensive Exercise Assessment
DEXA Body Composition
DEXA Body Composition & Bone Density Evaluation
Exercise For Weight Loss
Hydration TestingNew
Osteoporosis Dexa Bone Density Screening
RacquetFit™ Racquet Health ProgramNew
Rx for Exercise
TPI™ Golf Health Program
VO2 Max Assessment
Informed by advanced screenings and assessments, performance scientists at our Arizona wellness resort help you reach your fitness goals. Understand your current fitness level and improve your performance through expert testing and interpretation, strength training and aerobic conditioning, and your own individualized exercise program.
VO2 Max Assessment
Determine your aerobic fitness level (VO2 max) and learn how many calories you burn when you work out. This is recommended if you want to change your body composition, learn the most effective way to burn body fat, determine your anaerobic threshold, increase stamina and fitness, or improve sports performance.
Part I (50 minutes) – A Performance Scientist administers a submaximal exercise test. Testing is done while you exercise indoors on cardiovascular equipment such as a treadmill or stationary bike.
Part II (50 minutes) – Your Performance Scientist will explain your results and design an exercise program to maximize your workouts and enhance your training program.