Tuesday, October 8
11 a.m. Live Long Through Qi Gong: A Tool for Self Healing with Kelly Clady-Giramma
The medicinal benefits of qi gong are varied, helping with everything from digestive and sleep ailments to autoimmune conditions – even cancer. Get your body moving to better understand this ancient art form.
Noon Arial Yoga-Sound Workshop with Holly Benzenhafer
Utilizing a fabric hammock suspended from the ceiling, work your core strength in standing poses and inversions.
3 p.m. How Uncertainty Helps Us Grow with Dan Marko
A spiritual wellness provider demonstrates how letting go of control during times of change and transition can open our hearts, expand our consciousness, and nourish our growth as human beings.
5 p.m. Stress, Growth, and Resilience with Mary Cahilly
Understanding the human nervous system’s response to stress can help you intentionally cultivate growth. Learn how to help your mind work with your body to achieve greater resilience.
8 p.m. Trauma-Informed Care with Dr. Sadie Elisseou
Trauma-informed care is an evidence-based framework for supporting people who have experienced various forms of trauma. This approach is increasingly adopted to enhance both patient and employee experiences in health professions.
Wednesday, October 9
11 a.m. Trauma-Informed Organizations with Dr. Sadie Elisseou
Amidst stress and crisis in our global economy, we seek solutions to support employees and build community. Trauma-informed care (TIC), a strategic framework for helping people who have experienced toxic stress, is a rapidly growing social movement.
3 p.m. Trauma: Understanding & Healing with Robbie Bogard
Gain insight about trauma and how it effects the central nervous system. Explore ways to heal and build a flourishing life by promoting post-traumatic growth.
5 p.m. Replenishing the Well with Holly Benzenhafer
Feeling depleted, exhausted, or overwhelmed? A spiritual wellness provider teaches 10 simple, evidence-based practices for replenishing your mind and spirit so you can live with fullness, peace, and joy.
Thursday, October 10
11 a.m. Emotional Stress Release with Jo Ann Levitt
Good health results from the free-flow of energy through the body. Emotional stress, anxiety, or fear can effectively block that flow. With guided visualization, learn hands-on techniques to release stress and restore balance and calm to your system.
Noon Lunch & Learn: Mood Boosting Foods
Enjoy a three-course meal as you watch our demo chef prepare the entrée, and learn about uplifting food choices.
3 p.m. Mixed Emotions: Making Peace with Yourself with Mary Cahilly
We often attempt to avoid difficult emotions. Discuss how to widen your tolerance for your emotional experience and gain practical tools for navigating those emotions.